All information available as downloads
No matter whether you’re looking for general information, our company presentation, the various certificates issued to our businesses or our general terms and conditions of purchase and sale – you’ll find them all here.

Certified quality
Quality, transparency and dependability – we offer all three. And you don’t simply have to take our word for it – this has also been confirmed by external accreditation bodies. We have our quality promises certified at regular intervals. All our certificates can be viewed here.
Further information can be downloaded as PDFs via the following links.
Gelsenkirchen Plant
A snapshot of CABLO’s Gelsenkirchen plant
Fehrbellin Plant
A snapshot of CABLO's Fehrbellin plant
ESN Entsorgergemeinschaft der Deutschen Stahl- und NE-Metall-Recycling-Wirtschaft e.V. [Waste Management Association of the German Steel and Non-ferrous Metal Recycling Industry]
Certification for our environmental management system in acc. with DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
Certification for our quality management system in acc. with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
Certification for our energy management system in acc. with DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
Statement of conformity in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 333/2011 regarding the end of waste status for iron and steel scrap / aluminium scrap
Statement of conformity in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 715/2013 regarding the end of waste status for copper scrap